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숙제는 스스로....
전문가는 콜센터가 아니니까요.
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요즘 학교폭력의 실상
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가능성이 있는 상태 중독
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일본은 지금도 대만을 식민지로 생각하고 있지 않습니까?
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"The power of that diversity comes together and makes us that much more powerful," Silveria said. "That's a much better idea than small thinking and horrible ideas." "Just in case you're unclear on where I stand on this topic, I'm going to leave you my most important thought today: If you can't treat someone with dignity and respect, then you need to get out. If you can't treat someone from anot..
전문가는 콜센터가 아니니까요.
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